CNN for Android

  CNN for Android (Official CNN client for Android; lets you submit your own stories via iReport)
homescreemCNN RadioSubmit-iReport

The official CNN app for Android tablets was released in early February this year and now, a smartphone variant has finally found its way to the Android Market. The app allows you to view the latest headlines,receive notifications for breaking news, stream video reports, listen to CNN Radio reports, podcasts and interviews, save stories, share them with your friends and upload your own with an attached photo or video with CNN iReport (CNN’s online service for citizen journalists).

The homescreen widget cycles through top stories from the chosen category/region. The app launches into the Headlines screen. To open the app’s homescreen, tap the home icon in the top left corner.
ShareCNN RadioLive video feed
The interface allows swiping right and left to switch between categories/regions and stories. When a story is viewed, a share button appears in the top right corner of the screen that allows you to share the story on social media (Facebook, Twitter), via SMS or Email and save it for later. Saved stories can be viewed later from the Profile section. The app allows you to stream CNN Radio reports while using your phone as normal. You may pause the streaming at anytime via the notification icon that appears in the status bar every time the app begins to stream audio reports.
In addition to watching video reports for top stories, you can view live video feeds as they come in. When a live vide feed is available, a “Live” alert appears over the Videos icon on the app’s homescreen.
With CNN iReport, you can Submit your own stories, send your response to iReport Assignments and view stories submitted by other iReporters. You may submit photos or videos stored your SD card or create new ones from within the app.
At launch, the app automatically asks if you want breaking news notifications enabled. You may manually toggle said notifications from Menu > Settings > Breaking News.
Judging from the comments on the app’s Android Market page, as of this writing, the app seems to have a few glitches here and there. We tested the app on four phones (namely the Nexus S, Desire, Desire Z and Galaxy S) and found the same problem on each – the app begins to search for your location (via GPS/Network) when the Profile section is accessed but never succeeds. Setting our location manually, we exited the Profile section and accessed it again, only to find that the saved location had disappeared. Hopefully, future updates will resolve mentioned problems.
You can download the app to your phone via the provided link or QR code.
Download CNN App For Android Phones